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And T-E-A-C-H-E-R was his name-O!

Studies conveyed in different coutries reveal that effective teachers are the most important factor contributing to student achievement. Therefore, it's not beacuse of the technology, programmes, books, school equipment, exams, or ministry of education that our little ones succeed. It's the human being behind the desk who creates the process of learning, and, consequently, creates the pupil. Every teacher leaves their handprints on every single student in the classroom. That is why teachers should never underestimate the power of impact that they have, nor should they forget about the responsiblity that they shoulder. It's simply because:

The word TEACHER is filled with meaning and full of importance. Every single letter means much more than one could try to envisage. If I were to spell the word 'teacher', it would sound like that:

T for teaching
It really matters what we teach and how we do it. Both the content and the methods should be carefully chosen and thought of in order to meet the needs of our pupils. Additionally, teachers need to be truly professional, not to mention that they have to be learners themselves. Hence, it is important that teachers continually develop their skills through courses and workshops, as well as extensive reading. Learning from your colleagues and sharing your experience combined with collaboration at your workplace is a wonderful opportunity for professional development. So ask questions and search for answers, and never stop being curious about people and the world. 

E for entertainment
According to neurodidactics, fun is indispensible for the human brain to learn. A lesson without a single burst of laughter or smiles touching the corners of my pupils' lips is not a lesson at all! :-) It is essential to bear in mind to include engaging games, funny stories, or jokes in our evryday activity with the children. The world needs joy and beaming smiles, so, once in a while, remember to fool around a bit and to be a clown. Keep smiling at your class! And if you are not convinced that fun can really change human behaviour for the better, simply watch this movie with your class.

A for acceptance
We never know what our pupils experience outside school: divorce of their parents, loneliness, poverty, health problems, or abuse. The list is definitely too long, and even rich imagination is sometimes not enough for us to realise the difficulties that our pupils might have. Therefore, before we jump into conclusions or label a boy or a girl as naughty, teachers need to remember that people, no matter big or little, are generally fragile. Pupils need time to open, and they want to be accepted for who they are. So be there for them, show your support, turn on your listening ears, wait patiently, talk with and not to them, and always believe in your children. 
Teaching is the greatest act of optimism.
~ Colleen Wilcox ~ 
Always be optimistic about your your pupils!

C for character and consistence
Education  is a long-life process and it is not only the subject that we are supposed to teach and minds that we open. Primarily, teachers form character and build children's self-esteem. With each and every day, we influence how our students behave and what they think (or not!) about themselves. Accordingly, treat them fair and with respect, set the rules and be consistent. All the same, follow the rules yourself, set an example and model good behaviour. And when you fail, be the first one to apologise. It  needs a lot of strength and character to show that you might also be wrong from time to time.

H for hero
Yes! You are a hero, an educational rockstar!!! There are at least a few of teaching superpowers that you undoubtedly possess:
  • reading minds of your students
  • ability to see into the future
  • bursting creativity
  • energy absorption or redirection
  • power of the (ice-cold) look
  • unbreakable patience
  • sonic voice
  • human effervescence
  • power of compassion
  • never-ending elasticity
  • juggling multiple roles
  • fearlessness
  • bladders of steel. ;-)
The only superpower that I personally miss is the fire-hot look to make my coffee hot again whenever it is needed!

E for enthusiasm
Upon entering the classroom, it is worth remembering about the power of mirror neurons. They are truly amazing and may help teachers significantly influence the atmosphere in the classroom. What we know about mirror neurons entitles us to draw this very conclusion: enthusiasm and joy are conatgious! Being a teacher is demanding and difficult and sometimes we do not feel like smiling simply because life is complicated. Still, whenever you open the door of your classroom, try to keep positive attitude and enter the room saying or shouting to the kids What a beautiful day! At this very moment it might help you as well, and after a few hours spent in the company of the pupils, your own life might get a bit more bearable. I mean it, as I've been there.

R for right now
Teachers love to see their students grow, change, develop, bloom, flourish, get better, spread their wings. The job itself is demanding, and, moreover, it might be difficult for educators to wait for their children to progress. Sometimes the changes are slow and almost invisible. Sometimes it takes a lot of faith to approach a bit more 'difficult' pupils. Nevertheless, when I look at some of those kids, I think to myself that my task is to work with the students that I have right now, not with the ones that I would like to have or the ones that I once had. It is true what they say: 
Teachers change the world one child at a time.

Happy teaching!
